Drilling trainer Brock Yordy joined the National Driller team at the National Ground Water Association’s Groundwater Week 2019. This is one of several interviews recorded live at the event for our Ask Brock video series.

In episode 68 of Ask Brock, our host speaks to safety expert Glenn Minyard of the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 150 AFL-CIO, Apprentice and Skill Improvement Program. Minyard says dust safety gets short shrift, because years can come between the cause and effect.

“If I’m exposed to silica today, and I’m over-exposed and it does damage to my lungs, it may take me up 25 years to realize that I have hampered my health. It’s a slow, long process.”

He puts exposure limits in context and offers tips for ensuring a good fit for a respirator.

Have a question for Brock? Send an email to brock@globaldrilltraining.com.


The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150 AFL-CIO Apprentice and Skill Improvement Program trains people for drilling and other construction trades. For more information, visit asiplocal150.org.

For the OSHA standard for silica expose, visit www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3681.pdf.