The Texas Ground Water Association (TGWA) held its 64th Annual Convention & Trade Show Jan. 26-28 in Lubbock, Texas, at the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center.
While members were encouraged to take a break from this hectic past year, relax, visit and get caught up on the latest from the water well industry, there was, indeed, business to attend to.
Nearly 100 exhibitors – the backbone of any trade show – made sure to be on hand to educate attendees on the latest industry offerings. The exhibit hall was open for more than seven hours, giving industry professionals ample time to take in all the latest equipment and technologies.
In the Lone Star State, well drillers and pump installers are required to attain four hours of continuing education each year for license renewal. TGWA puts on such good educational programming at the convention that reaching – and even surpassing – the CEU requirements is both easy and judicious. There were some 14 classes presented that covered a wide range of topics, and attendees even got credit for making the rounds on the trade show floor.
Social activities included a bowling tournament, a golf tournament, a meet-and-greet in the exhibit hall, the always-entertaining live benefit auction and the annual awards luncheon. And, as of course, the Ladies Auxiliary put on a fine program for the better halves.
TGWA’s 2012 Annual Convention & Trade Show takes will be held Jan. 24-27 at the San Marcos Hotel & Convention Center in San Marcos, Texas.