Technical sessions on design and construction of geothermal heating systems and balanced flow pumping systems were especially popular. Many questions were answered on the benefits of geothermal heating, which has historically not been a big part of the industry in Alberta.
Contractors had significant issues to deal with at the annual meeting, and many gathered to discuss items regarding government regulations, public education regarding ground water and the protection of this resource.
Many awards and presentations were made at the event's luncheons. The Don McCaul Memorial Award for best booth was presented to Independent Pump & Motor Co., Edmonton. Dean Buhler of Petersen Aquatech Drilling, Sexsmith, was given the Seibel Award for highest marks in the Red Deer College journeyman drillers' class. The association was very pleased to present an honorary membership to one of its longtime members - Gary Doering, who joined the AWWDA in 1963 and served as director, president and past president on the AWWDA board of directors was given this award.
The convention was not all meetings and business, though. Attendees enjoyed a display of African culture presented by the Wajjo drummers and dancers at a safari-themed night, and a banquet and dance completed the convention.