A perspective on increasing industry knowledge.
my younger years, I hated training and going to school. I almost always was in
trouble with the teacher for disrupting the class. By today’s standards, I
probably would have been diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD). I just had things to do and didn’t have time to sit down at a
desk in a classroom all day. The teacher would stand me in the corner behind
the piano so that I couldn’t disrupt the class. The piano was near the window,
so I would sneak out the window and go fishing. And, oh yeah, my mother was a
teacher. But that’s another story that I told previously.
This month’s theme is about training and continuing education, and it is
required by many states as a qualification to renew a driller’s or pump
installer’s license. It makes those drillers and pump installers continue to
learn because many would just be happy with what they know.
Continuing education teaches about new products and procedures that many
attendees would never discover because many don’t attend well expositions. It’s
bringing people to the state shows and expositions to get their required
education hours. This makes contractors and their employees more knowledgeable
and professional. It teaches them about new drilling procedures, products,
salesmanship and customer relations.
Many would prefer to pay the fee for the continuing education and not attend
the hours of classes, but that’s not how it works. If you want the time
(hours), you have to do the crime or whatever.
Today, I teach all types of well drilling, pump service and installation, and
geothermal loop drilling internationally. I also present classes for continuing
education in many states.
My classes involve a projector PowerPoint presentation (to keep me moving
forward, as everyone knows Porky likes to tell stories), and I encourage the
attendees to share their knowledge and experiences. This way, everyone learns –
including myself. I teach about what’s not in books, but from experience and
what I have learned from others.
When companies have several people in need of continuing education, I go to
their business to present the classes. This saves the company the cost of
transportation, lodging, meals and the travel time lost for several people
traveling to and from distant classes.
I don’t want to take away from our state, regional and national ground water
shows. They are important for people to see the new products available,
communicate with others in the same field, and get points (hours) for their
states’ required continuing education. Many class presenters tell about their
products because we need to know about the new equipment out
Bite the bullet; go to the ground water shows, attend the classes, get smarter.
I promise it won’t hurt, and you will be able to answer your customers’
questions with more professionalism and confidence. Don’t be a dummy;
continuing education is important.
Note: This article is not meant to be an advertisement for Porky, but call me
if you can’t justify going or sending your employees to the ground water shows
to get their continuing education. I may be able to present a class in your
area or at your business, or know of someone who can.