Hydrogeologist F. Michael Krautkramer will examine methods for answering critical well design questions as the 2008 William A. McEllhiney Distinguished Lecturer in Water Well Technology, the National Ground Water Research and Education Found-ation (NGWREF) recently announced.
Krautkramer is a vice president and principal hydrogeologist at Robinson, Noble & Saltbush Inc. in Federal Way, Wash. Krautkramer’s 90-minute presentation, “How Much is Enough? Making Decisions in the Water Well Industry,” will explore processes for making decisions, including:
• How deep to target a well.
• How large a borehole diameter should be.
• How to test the well.
• What the production rate and pump setting should be.
• Other decisions that determine project success and customer satisfaction.
The 2008 series is underwritten by Franklin Electric Co., the world’s largest manufacturer of submersible electric motors.
This lecture will further examine rational methods by which to address questions such as: How deep is deep enough for a given customer? How sophisticated should the completion of a given well be? How much development is warranted? What testing method should be used, at what rate, and for how long? How much water should you tell customers they can reliably expect from a well?
There also will be discussion of how to make these decisions in a way that can be explained to the well owner and defended should anyone try to second-guess the decisions at a later date.
Requests for the McEllhiney Distinguished Lecture Series for the 2008 calendar year will be accepted only by completing the online request form accessible at www.ngwa.org. The deadline for requests is Oct. 1, 2007. Direct any questions to Barbette Howell at bhowell@ngwa.org.