Outside heavy equipment attractions at the Red Lion Hotel on the River in Portland, Ore.
Tom Ruda hosts Don Larson of Cascade Drilling at the Diedrich Drill Inc. booth.
Things got started on the first day with a full-day's slate of education workshops, covering topics such as modern hydrogeology, DOT requirements, electrical codes, cargo securement and the McEllhiney Lecture, “The Basic Drill Rig for Your Geology,” delivered by Fred McAninch. The exhibit hall opened that evening.
Day two opened with a couple more workshops, and new this year, were 30-minute product demonstrations. In addition to the workshops that meet the continuing education requirements for the National Ground Water Association's (NGWA) Voluntary Certification Program and some state requirements, these commercial demonstrations allowed various manufacturers and suppliers to showcase their offerings in a controlled format. The exhibit hall was open for five hours on day two.
Braving the elements: REICHdrill Inc.'s Mark Strittmatter and Bill Ackley of Ashland Drilling, Talent, Ore.
Foremost Inc.'s Arden Godshall visits with Bret Jones and Kurt Martin of Jones Drilling, Lebanon, Ore.