This week, host Brock Yordy talks about the latest challenges to waters of the United States (WOTUS), as well as EPA grants for remediation and restoration projects in the Great Lakes, and PFAS. He also discusses a recent scientific review looking at the prevalence of PFAS in freshwater fish species.

“Scientists say their review found eating one freshwater fish is similar to drinking water polluted with PFAS,” Yordy says, adding that the review showed eating some freshwater fish could be equivalent to drinking water contaminated with PFAS at 48 ppt for a month. The EPA recently announced enforcement levels for several PFAS-related chemicals at 4 ppt.

“They found that even one or a few meals a year would likely have a significant impact on your blood levels.”

This episode covers:

  • Minimizing distraction risks for drillers and construction professionals
  • The importance of using the PPE demanded by the job
  • EPA funding for environmental justice projects in Great Lakes states
  • Remediation and restoration of EPA “areas of concern”
  • Michigan’s Private Residential Well Awareness Day (in conjunction with Drinking Water Week)
  • Waters of the United States (WOTUS)
  • Chamber of Commerce challenges to the latest WOTUS definition
  • PFAS and other “forever” chemicals

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Drilling expert Brock Yordy is a regular The Driller contributing writer. Send news tips and interview suggestions to