Layne GeoConstruction installed approximately 1,500 drilled micropiles, averaging 42 feet in length, in karst geological conditions for new foundation support of the Building 323 Annex at the IBM facility in East Fishkill, N.Y.

Design loads piles founded in soil were 60 tons compression and 30 tons tension. Piles bearing in rock were designed for 120 tons compression and 80 tons tension. Six pre-production verification tests were performed prior to the commencement of work. During the cycle of work, three production proof tests were performed.

A crew of 50 highly skilled workers, operated eight large crawler drill rigs around the clock, six days per week. The drill rigs, boasting mast heights of 45 feet to 85 feet, were used to complete the challenge of installing 63,000 linear feet of micropiles in a three-month period.

From the June 2007 National Driller e-Newsletter