More than 40,000 people from around the world are expected to travel to Las Vegas for MINExpo 2000, which will feature some 600,000 square feet of exhibits.
Those exhibits will include everything needed to operate a mine, from initial exploration through extraction and reclamation of the mine site, said Rino Maddalena, a public affairs representative for the National Mining Association, which sponsors MINExpo.
Equipment and services for the coal, metals, agricultural and industrial minerals and mineral processing companies will be on display during MINExpo, he said.
Maddalena said the success of the 1996 MINExpo has helped ensure that this year's event will be the largest and best ever.
"We feel because of the success we had four years ago, with good public relations and good exposure, even more people and more exhibitors are wanting to attend this year. With more exhibitors in the marketplace, and with the good economy, they have wanted to exhibit and we're obviously happy about that," he said.
Held every four years, MINExpo is the one international event that draws the top experts and exhibitors worldwide to its activities It's considered to be the event that anybody who's anybody in the mining industry needs to attend, Maddalena said.

More than 1,300 exhibitors are expected to attend MINExpo from the United States. Austria, Australia, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Chile, England, Finland, France, Germany, Mexico, Peru, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. More than 350 of the exhibitors are making their first appearance at MINExpo, according to Maddalena.
Some of the new exhibitors are dot.com companies who are offering Web-based services such as Internet publications, information resources and online marketplaces for buying and selling mining equipment and machinery.
ÙThe dot.coms are huge right now, and with the digital age, e-commerce, and people buying and selling coal and hardrock on the Internet, thatOs become a whole new segment of the mining industry,Ó Maddalena said.
He said the exhibitor list for MINExpo includes companies offering state-of-the-art computer software, automation and robotics, communications equipment, auger mining equipment, blasting agents, cables and cable connectors, concentrators, coolers, dredges, continuous miners, some of the worldOs largest trucks, longwall mining equipment, engines and engine parts, laser equipment, locomotives, on-site medical equipment, portable flood lighting, pollution control equipment, reclamation equipment and services and much more.
Anyone interested in learning more about the exhibitors can visit the MINExpo Virtual Trade Show (VTS) online at www.minexpo.com by clicking on the virtual trade show link.
The site features up-to-date information on exhibitors by company name and product category and some direct links to company sites are available. The VTS also has a ÙPersonal PlannerÓ feature which will allow users to select specific items to add to their calendar or planner, so they can plan their visit to MINExpo before they arrive.
Besides the MINExpo, the XVIII World Mining Congress is also being held in Las Vegas Oct. 9-12. The Congress, which includes representatives from 48 countries, will feature four sessions on coal techniques, mining technologies, mining policies and world aspects of mining.
Due to the MINExpo and World Mining Congress meeting at the same time in Las Vegas, Maddalena said MINExpo attendees are expected to include large numbers of people from abroad, especially nations such as Russia and Australia where mining is a big industry.
MINExpo will also feature 23 educational sessions covering topics such as underground mining and development for coal and hardrock, reclamation, minerals processing, water and air quality, surface mining, bulk materials handling, safety and health, exploration and more topics will be presented by experts from around the world.
Maddalena encouraged anyone who hasnOt registered for MINExpo to do so immediately. ÙRight now everyone is realizing they need to get on the ball and start registering, so weOre having a tremendous influx of attendees and exhibitors and will have more as it draws closer,Ó he said.
An abundance of information about MINExpo, its exhibitors, educational courses, registration, housing information and other details about MINExpo can be found on the showOs Website at www.minexpo.com.