For this episode, we sit down for an interview with Kortney Lull of Midwest Geothermal, the outgoing board chair for the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association. Lull and host Brock Yordy cover a lot of ground, from IGSHPA’s re-invention to the how geothermal competes with and complements other strategies for cutting “peak load” on our energy grid.
“Everybody needs an equal seat at the table,” Lull says. “So now I think geo finally has a good voice, a good place. We’re getting there and having our seat at the table. And the IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) did a great job of trying to level the playing field as far as federal incentives went so that we can really get out and push a bit more.”
This episode covers:
- The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association (IGSHPA)
- The National Ground Water Association (NGWA)
- Groundwater Week 2023 in Las Vegas
- The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and geothermal incentives
- Growth prospects for geothermal and ground-source heat pumps
- The future of IGSHPA
- Geothermal’s role in decarbonizing U.S. energy sources
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Drilling expert Brock Yordy is a regular The Driller contributing writer. Send news tips and interview suggestions to