Twenty-six continuing education sessions left no pertinent topic uncovered and the trade show floor was jam-packed with the latest products, systems and ideas. The number of exhibitors was the largest ever for the show. Executive director Jane Cain pointed to increases in water treatment and scientific firms as a big reason for the boost in exhibitors.
People have to eat, so thanks goes out to AMTROL and Nolan Co. Drilling Equipment for sponsoring the breakfast functions, and to Grundfos Pumps Corp. for providing deserts at the annual Jubilee picnic.
New association officers were elected. Loyd Watson (Watson Well Drilling, Las Cassas, Tenn.) is president; the vice president is Mack Pinson (Pinson Brothers Well Drilling, Huntington, W.V.); William Caldwell Jr. (Caldwell Well Drilling, Fishersville, Va.) is secretary; and Calvin Falwell (Falwell Corp. Lynchburg, Va.) is treasurer.
Contractors in the Bluegrass state have to be happy. The Jubilee's board of directors has accepted Kentucky as a Jubilee affiliate state. (That's a total of 10; 40 more to go, Jane.) And while the board was being so generous, $16,000 worth of scholarships was awarded to eight deserving students in the drilling community.
Calendar note for next year: The 48th annual South Atlantic Well Drillers Jubilee re-invades Myrtle Beach Aug. 2-5 in 2003, and visitors from other states, countries, continents and planets all are welcome.