International Conference
The technical committee on deep foundations for the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) invites you to participate in the “International Conference on Deep Foundations – CPRF and Energy Piles,” which takes place May 15 at the Airport Conference Center in Frankfurt, Germany. Topics to be covered include combined pile-raft foundations (CPRF), energy piles – geothermal use of deep foundations, bearing capacity and geothermal capacity, and modeling of heat conduction. Organizing the conference is Technische Universität Darmstadt’s Institute and Laboratory of Geotechnics. For complete details, visit Presentations
Seven technical committees of the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) have joined forces to organize this year’s Super Pile ’09 Conference, which takes place June 4-6 in San Francisco. The event will provide an overview of pile foundation construction. The event will consist of parallel sessions on the subjects of driven piles, augered cast-in-place piles, micropiles and drilled shafts, as well as quality control/quality assurance, testing, seismic considerations and marine applications for each, giving the attendees the option to choose which presentations are of interest to them.Presentations will focus on concept/method, historical development, theory and design, system specifications, system attributes and ideas for future development. Equipment, material and instrumentation suppliers and vendors will be presenting their services as well in the exhibit hall. Additionally, optional site tours of area projects are tentatively planned for Saturday, June 6. Complete details of the event as plans progress can be found at
Presentation proposals are solicited on the following topics relating to driven piles, augered cast-in-place piles, micropiles and drilled shafts:
- case studies
- history/theoretical background
- quality control and inspection
- seismic considerations
- field production
- marine applications
- innovation
- practice-oriented research
- relationship between design, construction and equipment used in a project
All authors of accepted proposals will be required to commit to presenting their topic on June 4 or 5, and will be required to submit a paper or PowerPoint presentation handout to be included in the seminar handout binder by May 1.
Questions should be directed to Brian Husbands (973-423-4030 or
Titan Installation School
TEI Rock Drills Inc. is hosting the fifth annual Titan Installation School at its facility in Montrose, Colo., June 9-11. Everything there is to know about Titan bars will be presented. There will be classroom activities, a manufacturing plant tour and lots of hands-on fieldwork. Cost is $1,200 per person, and includes educational materials, lodging and all meals. Attendance is limited to ensure a quality program. A registration form can be found at Activities
Several regional chapters of ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling have meetings scheduled in the near future:Ohio Valley Chapter Spring Meeting
Friday, March 13 in Orlando, Fla.
South Central Chapter Meeting
Friday, April 17 in Oklahoma City
Rocky Mountain Chapter Meeting
Friday, April 24 in Denver
West Coast Chapter Spring Meeting
Saturday, May 16 in Sacramento, Calif.
The Big Show: IFCEE '09
The 2009 International Foundation Congress and Equipment Exposition (IFCEE ’09) is a joint conference sponsored by ADSC: The International Association of Foundation Drilling, ASCE’s Geo-Institute, and the Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA). To be held in Orlando, Fla., March 15-19, this conference will be the largest geotechnical engineering and geo-construction event ever. The 52 technical and business management presentations will enable you to take advantage of the infrastructure-related economic turnaround that is sure to come. In these difficult economic times, it is all the more important to have the intellectual and physical tools that will guarantee that you will be well-positioned to succeed in the future. Equipment from all over the world will be on display to show you how to maximize your efficiency and productivity. With the newest, state-of-the-art foundation construction machines, confirmation testing equipment and innovative materials, you will be able to work smarter and faster, thus gaining a competitive edge in the design and construction marketplace.Keynote speaker, Major General Don Riley, will share the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s plans for addressing the needs of the nation’s infrastructure, which is certain to get priority attention as part of any economic stimulus program. Internationally renowned experts will speak directly to the issues of forecasting how, where and when the world’s economies will regain momentum – specifically as it relates to the geo-industry. Fifteen of the world’s leading professional geo-industry organizations will be represented at the Congress.
The Congress will feature ASCE’s prestigious Terzaghi and Peck Lectures, as well as the annual meetings of the ADSC, Geo-Institute and PDCA.
National Driller is a proud sponsor of the Sunday evening reception – please stop by and join the festivities.
IFCEE ’09 will offer the best professional advancement value available anywhere, as you will be able to see, learn and share the latest technical information in one place, at one time. For a detailed Congress program preview and for registration information, visit